Few Moments to live (poem)

They say

cities never sleep,

But the people of the city

are in deep slumber.

They shut the windows

and turn on the AC,

Sitting on the sofa,

Staring at their PC.

The kids don’t chat,

eating apples with butter.

Their bottoms aches with rest,

their minds run till midnight – unrest.

They haven’t seen the sun red,

Neither walked on the grass-bed.

They know so little about the moon,

They’ll forget about the stars soon.

They talk like that of a cartoon they watched,

they prefer to draw a butterfly, than to catch.

Still, when they’re free

their eyes search for a far away tree,

to watch their leaves dance in harmony.

A glimpse of a flying bird makes their day

This is the price they have to pay,

For God knows what?

To live a life,

with very few moments to live.

©®Sana Mahin.

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